March 20, 2018

BARLEY جو very useful for Health

(ہر فرد اور ہر گھر کی ضرورت)

: “رسول اللہ ﷺ کے اہل خانہ میں سے جب کوئی بیمار ہوتا تھا تو حکم ہوتا کہ اس کیلئے تلبینہ تیار کیا جائے۔ پھر فرماتے تھے کہ تلبینہ بیمار کے دل سے غم کو اُتار دیتا ہے اور اس کی کمزوری کو یوں اتار دیتا ہے جیسے کہ تم میں سے کوئی اپنے چہرے کو پانی سے دھو کراس سے غلاظت اُتار دیتا ہے۔'' (ابن ماجہ)
رسول اللہﷺ نے حضرت جبرئیلؑ سے فرمایا کہ: جبرئیلؑ میں تھک جاتا ہوں۔ حضرت جبرئیلؑ نے جواب میں عرض کیا: اے الله کے رسولﷺ آپ تلبینہ استعمال کریں
 آج کی جدید سائینسی تحقیق نے یہ ثابت کیا ہے کہ جو میں دودھ کے مقابلے میں 10 گنا ذیادہ کیلشیئم ہوتا ہے اور پالک سے ذیادہ فولاد موجود ہوتا ہے، اس میں تمام ضروری وٹامنز بھی پائے جاتے ہیں
پریشانی اور تھکن کیلئے بھی تلبینہ کا ارشاد ملتا ہے۔
 نبی ﷺ  فرماتے کہ یہ مریض کے دل کے جملہ عوارض کا علاج ہے اور دل سے غم کو اُتار دیتا ہے۔'' (بخاری' مسلم' ترمذی' نسائی' احمد)
جب کوئی نبی ﷺ سے بھوک کی کمی کی شکایت کرتا تو آپ اسے تلبینہ کھانے کا حکم دیتے اورفرماتے کہ اس خدا کی قسم جس کے قبضہ میں میری جان ہے یہ تمہارے پیٹوں سے غلاظت کو اس طرح اتار دیتا ہے جس طرح کہ تم میں سے کوئی اپنے چہرے کو پانی سے دھو کر صاف کرلیتا ہے
۔نبی پاک ﷺ کومریض کیلئے تلبینہ سے بہتر کوئی چیز پسند نہ تھی۔ اس میں جَو کے فوائد کے ساتھ ساتھ شہد کی افادیت بھی شامل ہوجاتی تھی۔ مگر وہ اسے نیم گرم کھانے' بار بار کھانے اور خالی پیٹ کھانے کو زیادہ پسند کرتے تھے۔ (بھرے پیٹ بھی یعنی ہر وقت ہر عمر کا فرد اس کو استعمال کرسکتا ہے۔ صحت مند بھی ' مریض بھی)
نوٹ: تلبینہ ناصرف مریضوں کیلئے بلکہ صحت مندوں کیلئے بہت بہترین چیز ہے۔ بچوں بڑوں بوڑھوں اور گھر بھر کے افراد کیلئے غذا' ٹانک بھی' دوا بھی شفاء بھی اور عطا بھی۔۔۔۔خاص طور پر دل کے مریض ٹینشن' ذہنی امراض' دماغی امراض' معدے' جگر ' پٹھے اعصاب عورتوں بچوں اور مردوں کے تمام امراض کیلئے انوکھا ٹانک ہے۔
" جو " -------- جسے انگریزی میں " بارلے " کہتے ہیں - اس کو دودھ کے اندر ڈال دیں ۔ پنتالیس منٹ تک دودھ میں گلنے دیں اور اسکی کھیر سی بنائیں ۔ اس کھیر کے اندر آپ چاھیں تو شھد ڈال دیں یا کھجور ڈال دیں ۔اسے تلبینہ ( Talbeena) کہیں گے ---
۔دودھ کو ایک جوش دے کر جو شامل کر لیں۔
۔ ہلکی آنچ پر ۴۵ منٹ تک پکائیں اور چمچہ چلاتے رہیں۔
۔ جو گل کر دودھ میں مل جائے تو کھجور مسل کر شامل کرلیں۔
۔ میٹھا کم لگے تو تھوڑا شہد ملا لیں۔
۔کھیر کی طرح بن جائے گی۔
۔ چولہے سے اتار کر ٹھنڈا کر لیں۔
۔ اوپر سے بادام ، پستے کاٹ کر چھڑک دیں۔
(کھجور کی جگہ شہد بھی ملا سکتے ہیں)
طبی فوائد:
طبی اعتبار سے اس کے متعدد فوائد بیان کئے جاتے ہیں-یہ غذا:
1۔غم ، (Depression)
2۔ مایوسی،
3۔ کمردرد،
4۔  خون میں ہیموگلوبن کی شدید کمی،
4۔ پڑهنے والے بچوں میں حافظہ کی کمزوری،
5۔ بهوک کی کمی،
6۔ وزن کی کمی،
7۔ کولیسٹرول کی زیادتی،
8۔ ذیابیطس کے مریضوں میں بلڈ شوگر لیول کے اضافہ،
9۔ امراض دل،انتڑیوں،
10۔ معدہ کے ورم،
11۔ السرکینسر،
12۔ قوت مدافعت کی کمی،
13۔ جسمانی کمزوری،
14۔ ذہنی امراض،
15۔ دماغی امراض،
16۔ جگر،
17۔ پٹھے کے اعصاب،
18۔ نڈھالی
19.وسوسے (Obsessions)
20. تشویش (Anxiety)

 کے علاوہ دیگر بے شمار امراض میں مفید ہےاور یہ بھی اپنی جگہ ایک حقیقت ہے کہ جو میں دودھ سے زیادہ کیلشیم اور پالک سے زیادہ فولاد پایا جاتا ہےاس وجہ سے تلبینہ کی اہمیت بڑھ جاتی ہے”۔

If you are having a difficult time suffering from medical conditions like hypertension, arthritis, asthma, impotence, skin problems, anemia, obesity, constipation, diabetes, kidney problems or heart diseases, perhaps it’s time for you to learn about the health benefits of barley. The benefits are mostly attributed to the eight essential amino acids which it contains, meaning that it represents the complete protein requirement in our diet. Recent research says that consuming whole grain barley also regulates blood sugar to a great extent.
There are so many rampant ailments occurring in recent years, which prove that even our regular diet lacks important nutrients. One of the most important nutrients that we often tend to neglect is fiber. Barley is an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which assures you good overall health in the long term.
Before we move on to the health benefits, you will be pleased to know that you can consume it in many kinds of preparations like salads, soups, stew, and even with chicken, mutton or in the tandoori style. Therefore, it does not add value just to your health but also to your palate.

Health Benefits of Barley

Barley is used for skin care, boosting immunity, and preventing disorders such as osteoporosis, gallstones, and diabetes. Let us look at the common benefits in detail:

Keeps Intestine Healthy

Barley, being an excellent source of fiber, keeps your body toxin-free. Its grass, which is rich in dietary fiber, acts as a fuel source to the friendly bacteria in our large intestine. These bacteria help in fermenting the fiber content of barley, thereby forming butyric acid, which is the primary fuel for intestinal cells. It is greatly effective in maintaining a healthy colon. By keeping the intestine in proper health, it helps you decrease the movement time of feces and also keeps your stomach clean. It greatly reduces the chances of colon cancer and hemorrhoids as well.

Protects against Gallstones

Barley effectively helps women avoid developing gallstones. Since it is rich in insoluble fiber, it actually helps you reduce bile acid secretion, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering the triglyceride levels. An article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology says that women consuming a fibrous diet have 17% lower risk of gallstones as compared to other women.

Prevents Osteoporosis

The phosphorus and copper content in barley grass guarantees an overall health of bones. If you have osteoporosis, it can be your natural remedy. Its juice is known to have 11 times more calcium content than milk. Calcium, as we know, is one of the key components in protecting bone health. We need manganese for normal bone production, as well as in cases of iron deficiency anemia. The manganese content found in barley works in association with B-complex vitamins; thereby, keeping the overall health intact.

Boosts Immune System

Being highly nutritious, barley is particularly helpful as it strengthens your immune system and reduces the chances of cold and flu. Iron improves the blood volume and prevents anemia and fatigue. It aids in proper kidney functioning and the development of body cells. Furthermore, it contains copper, which forms hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Skin Care

Barley is a good source of selenium, which helps preserve skin elasticity, thereby protecting it against free radical damage and loosening. Moreover, it also improves our heart, pancreas, and immune system functioning. A deficiency of selenium can lead to cancers of the skin, colon, prostate, liver, stomach, and breast.

Controls Cholesterol Levels

Barley’s insoluble fiber yields propionic acid that helps keep blood cholesterol levels low. Being an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fibers, it is also specifically recommended by doctors for its naturally low-fat content and zero cholesterol properties.

Manages Diabetes

Barley effectively helps control type 2 diabetes. However, one can prevent this type of diabetes by losing weight, getting involved in a vigorous physical activity, and including abundant whole grains in the diet. Therefore, high fiber foods should be included in the daily diet of diabetic patients. Its grain has all the essential vitamins and minerals, particularly beta-glucan soluble fiber that slows down glucose absorption. The December 2006 edition of Nutrition Research proved that insulin-resistant men who consumed barley beta-glucan soluble fiber had significantly reduced glucose and insulin levels as compared to other test subjects.

Prevents Cancer

Barley contains certain types of phytonutrients known as plant lignans, which are transformed by the friendly flora in our intestines into mammalian lignans. One of these new lignans is called enterolactone, which helps prevent breast and other hormonal cancers as well as coronary heart diseases.

Protects Heart Health

Atherosclerosis is a condition when the artery walls thicken due to the coagulation or deposition of fatty materials like cholesterol. Barley contains niacin (a B vitamin complex) that reduces the overall cholesterol and lipoprotein levels and minimizes cardiovascular risk factors. Postmenopausal women having high blood pressure, high cholesterol or cardiovascular diseases are specifically recommended to have it at least 6 times a week.

Prevents Asthma

14.5 kDa is a barley endosperm protein and a major allergen in baker’s asthma disease. This is an airborne occupational ailment, mostly prevalent in confectioneries and bakeries. It proves to be a very effective preventive measure for such kinds of major wheat-flour allergens.

Forms of Barley Nutrition

Barley Grass is the seedling of its plant. This grass is usually harvested about 200 days after germination, while the shoots are not even a foot tall. People consume it in this form because the young leaves are rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids. Although its grains have much more dietary fiber in comparison, the grass has high levels of chlorophyll that detoxifies your body from harmful toxins.
Hulled Barley is also known as covered barley and is usually eaten after removing the inedible, fibrous outer hull. It is a great source of healthy nutrients. It takes a long time to soak when used in regular cooking. However, the time is worth it, considering the utility of dehulled barley when you’re finished. Once the hull is removed, it’s known as dehulled, pot or scotch barley, which is commercially popular and is a very marketable product. The process of removing the bran and polishing is known as “pearling”.
Pearl Barley is easily available in the grocery stores and is probably one of the most common ingredients for breakfast and snacks recipes all over the world. It is actually the hulled barley that is processed and the bran is removed. It is processed into a host of products like flours and flakes, which resemble oatmeal or grits.
Barley Green Powder is well known for its medicinal benefits. It is actually the powdered form of barley grass. These grasses are found in a variety of flavors and have superior solubility. Therefore, you can also consume them in the form of juice.
Barley Flour is often used, alternatively, as wheat flour or cake flour. The flour obtained from grinding whole barley is richer in nutrition than the pearl variety flour since the bran in the former remains undamaged. It contains some gluten and has been very popular in confectioneries that tend to experiment with alternate kinds of flours. It has a mild, nutty flavor, and has comparatively lower rates of calories and higher levels of fiber.
Barley Water is effective when your kidneys need rest from excessive stress. People suffering from kidney and bladder ailments can take barley water for therapeutic uses

How to select Barley?

When you think of buying it, you first need to decide what form you should buy. Barley is found in various forms, and each of them has a varied nutritional value. Whole grain barley has the ultimate nutritional value, found in its grain, leaves, and even the extract of the grass.
Barley is widely available as a commercial product all over the world in various forms. You need to know the exact form that will cater best to your needs. The pearled, flaked and hulled forms have different utilities, so decide what you want to make before making the purchase. It is found both in bulk containers and packaged forms; ensure its freshness before taking it home. If you buy it in containers, check the date and also be sure that it’s sealed properly. Even a small amount of moisture in packaged barley can spoil the cereal, so be careful. Store it in clean, glass airtight containers and place it in a cool, dry place. During summer, it’s advisable to keep it in the refrigerator.

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