One of my friend tell me about CAPRICOIN Digital Currency and advise to be member of VIZIONARY , I tried to get information about Capricoin on the Internet. Its Multi Level Markeeting and seems a fraud so, I am trying to tell the people to avoid and save you time and money. this article get from the following link;
Vizionary operate in the cryptocurrency MLM niche and name Frode Berg as Founder on their website.
As per Berg’s Vizionary corporate bio;
Further research reveals Berg (right) to have been a major player in the Norwegian pyramid scheme, World Games Inc.
World Games Inc. collapsed in 2004, with over 220,000 affiliates losing “large sums of money”.
In 2008 Berg was again tied to a scam, this time a poker-based scheme called T6 Poker.
By the end of the year T6 Poker had collapsed, again resulting in the vast majority of investors losing money.
How much Frode Berg made in both WGI and T6 Poker is unclear.
In 2012 Berg resurfaced as an affiliate in Ausante.
As per an interview in the January 2012 Ausante affiliate newsletter (page 6);
When Berg left Ausante is unclear, but over the last few years he appears to have been concentrating on building an e-cigarette business (non-MLM).
Now it appears Berg is getting back into MLM, hoping to carve himself a slice of the cryptocurrency MLM niche pie.
Read on for a full review of the Vizionary MLM business opportunity.
All in all, there are four affiliate levels within the Vizionary compensation plan:
How much of a commission is paid is determined by how much a newly recruited affiliate spends on their membership:
When an affiliate first signs up, they are given seven days of Momentum Bonus time.
Additional hours are added to this time balance, whenever a new Vizionary affiliate is recruited:
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of two binary teams, left and right:

Positions are created in each of these teams, by way of the positions on the previous level splitting into two additional positions each (starting with two positions on level 1).
Business Volume (BV) is tracked throughout each binary team, with BV generated whenever new affiliates are recruited into the teams:
Once matched, this BV is flushed and cannot be used again.
Recruited affiliates that fall on the “power” binary side pay out a 10% bonus, whilst affiliates that fall on the “working” binary side pay out 5%.
Presumably this is in reference to the stronger and weaker binary teams (by BV), however Vizionary do not clarify which side is which in their official compensation plan documentation.
Meanwhile how many levels the Matching Bonus is paid out on is determined by how many Gold or Platinum affiliates have been personally recruited:
To that end commissions within the MLM business opportunity are only generated when new affiliates are recruited – qualifying Vizionary as a pyramid scheme.
Hardly surprising when you consider Frode Berg’s past involvement in various scams.
The cryptocurrency facade is paper-thin in Vizionary, serving little more than jargon fluff to cover what is otherwise just a binary-based recruitment scheme.
As with all pyramid schemes, once recruitment of new affiliates slows down commissions in Vizionary will grind to a halt.
At that point anyone who hasn’t recouped their initial spend by recruiting new suckers into the scheme, loses out.
Vizionary Review: Norwegian scammer tries cryptocurrency?
Jun.19, 2015 in
MLM Reviews
As per Berg’s Vizionary corporate bio;
Frode Berg is a highly respected sales and team building professional with over 20 years of experience and a history of success.
During this time he has been a Master Distributor and has built reputation for integrity. Frode is known for being highly innovative and methodical and has also been a Marketing Consultant to various companies.
World Games Inc. collapsed in 2004, with over 220,000 affiliates losing “large sums of money”.
In 2008 Berg was again tied to a scam, this time a poker-based scheme called T6 Poker.
YOU get bonus EVERY MONTH even if you do not have a single player in your business and the ENTIRE your downline has stopped working. This is ALL networkers DREAM !!! When people realize this will take COMPLETELY off ….When contacted by Norwegian media regarding his involvement in T6 Poker, Berg told them “T6poker is far from any pyramid scheme.”
By the end of the year T6 Poker had collapsed, again resulting in the vast majority of investors losing money.
How much Frode Berg made in both WGI and T6 Poker is unclear.
In 2012 Berg resurfaced as an affiliate in Ausante.
As per an interview in the January 2012 Ausante affiliate newsletter (page 6);
Ausante has just been an outstanding company. It has delivered way above my expectations.In 2013 former management alleged Ausante was a “worldwide fraud”.
I don’t find it hard to introduce people to Ausante, The hardest signup was my brother Thomas, he was fighting
against MLM for 7 years basically hating the way I do business.
But right now he is flying with Ausante. I predict that he will be making a huge success with Ausante.
I am proud to be a member, I love the mission and I love the business opportunity and I can truly say
for the first time I have found what I have been looking for so long.
A home… There is no Plan B….This is IT.
When Berg left Ausante is unclear, but over the last few years he appears to have been concentrating on building an e-cigarette business (non-MLM).
Now it appears Berg is getting back into MLM, hoping to carve himself a slice of the cryptocurrency MLM niche pie.
Read on for a full review of the Vizionary MLM business opportunity.
The Vizionary Product Line
Vizionary has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership with the company itself (€97-€2897).The Vizionary Compensation Plan
The Vizionary compensation plan sees affiliates spend between €97 and €2897 EUR, with commissions paid when they recruit others who do the same.All in all, there are four affiliate levels within the Vizionary compensation plan:
- Bronze – €97
- Silver – €297
- Gold – €897
- Platinum – €2897
Recruitment Commissions
Vizionary affiliates are paid direct commission when they recruit new affiliates.How much of a commission is paid is determined by how much a newly recruited affiliate spends on their membership:
- recruit a Bronze affiliate – €9.70
- recruit a Silver affiliate – €29.70
- recruit a Gold affiliate – €89.70
- recruit a Platinum affiliate – €289.70
When an affiliate first signs up, they are given seven days of Momentum Bonus time.
Additional hours are added to this time balance, whenever a new Vizionary affiliate is recruited:
- recruit a Bronze affiliate = additional 12 hours
- recruit a Silver affiliate = additional 24 hours
- recruit a Gold affiliate = additional 48 hours
- recruit a Platinum affiliate = additional 72 hours
- recruit a Bronze affiliate -€14.55
- recruit a Silver affiliate – €44.55
- recruit a Gold affiliate – €134.55
- recruit a Platinum affiliate – €434.55
Residual Commissions
Residual commissions in Vizionary are paid out via a binary compensation structure.A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of two binary teams, left and right:
Positions are created in each of these teams, by way of the positions on the previous level splitting into two additional positions each (starting with two positions on level 1).
Business Volume (BV) is tracked throughout each binary team, with BV generated whenever new affiliates are recruited into the teams:
- recruited Bronze affiliate = 50 BV
- recruited Silver affiliate = 200 BV
- recruited Gold affiliate = 600 BV
- recruited Platinum affiliate = 2000 BV
Once matched, this BV is flushed and cannot be used again.
Matching Bonus
Vizionary affiliates can earn a 10% or 5% matching bonus on residual commissions earned by recruited affiliates.Recruited affiliates that fall on the “power” binary side pay out a 10% bonus, whilst affiliates that fall on the “working” binary side pay out 5%.
Presumably this is in reference to the stronger and weaker binary teams (by BV), however Vizionary do not clarify which side is which in their official compensation plan documentation.
Meanwhile how many levels the Matching Bonus is paid out on is determined by how many Gold or Platinum affiliates have been personally recruited:
- recruit at least one Platinum or Gold affiliate = matching bonus down one level of recruitment
- recruit at least two Platinum or Gold affiliates = matching bonus down two levels of recruitment
- recruit at least three Platinum or Gold affiliates = matching bonus down three levels of recruitment
- recruit at least four Platinum or Gold affiliates = matching bonus down four levels of recruitment
- recruit at least five Platinum or Gold affiliates = matching bonus down five levels of recruitment
- recruit at least six or more Platinum or Gold affiliates = matching bonus down an unlimited level of recruitment (payout reduced to 5% across both binary teams)
Joining Vizionary
Affiliate membership with Vizionary is tied to the purchase of one of the following affiliate packages:- Bronze – €97
- Silver – €297
- Gold – €897
- Platinum – €2897
As per the Vizionary “vision” website page:Our aim is to ensure that we work with coins that are used for legitimate purposes. We want to build a community of users with a common purpose of supporting, developing, growing, or creating a long term stable payment solution.What exactly Vizionary has to do with cryptocurrencies I have no idea, with the compensation plan rooted firmly in the recruitment of new affiliates.
We aim to create a community of hard working merchants who are not constantly worried about chargebacks or having their accounts frozen by the banks at whim.
To that end commissions within the MLM business opportunity are only generated when new affiliates are recruited – qualifying Vizionary as a pyramid scheme.
Hardly surprising when you consider Frode Berg’s past involvement in various scams.
The cryptocurrency facade is paper-thin in Vizionary, serving little more than jargon fluff to cover what is otherwise just a binary-based recruitment scheme.
As with all pyramid schemes, once recruitment of new affiliates slows down commissions in Vizionary will grind to a halt.
At that point anyone who hasn’t recouped their initial spend by recruiting new suckers into the scheme, loses out.
TalkGold forum: 4 posts from one person, posted in the cathegory “Cryptocurrencies” (not very active part of the forum).
Alexa rankings:
Frode Berg was active in KB Gold in 2011. The surname “Berg” is relatively common, so it’s difficult to find other programs he has been involved in.
Capricoin is here:
The blockchain can be found here:
I think you are wrong about this one my good friend Oz.
Some solid info you have gathered here but you have missed the boat on some aspects.
You write and I quote,
Other coins have struggled to reach the masses with their coin. Vizionary is the distribution arm to Capricoin, a crypto currency.
People can buy capricoin on the public exchange, but can also be involved with the distribution of that coin as the trend suggests value will increase.
Pyramid scheme? No. Why? Because the product itself is worth great value without recruiting anybody. I have people who have come on board purely to diversify their assets, or take it out of the bank.
You must understand the platform before you write this kind of thing.
is it possible to mine cpc (capricoin) without using vizionary mining solution?
When you are in the program, you don’t have to paid more and more?
And if it’s a real great, most beautiful opportunity/program, why is it very difficult to find some information about it?
But about the crypto currency capricoin? Is it possible that is the next bitcoin? the value is growing a little…
It may have a Ponzi component, but I didn’t detect it. Potential rise in value of a cryptocurrency is, in itself, not a fraudulent investment.
I checked the activity in post #1. It didn’t seem to be very active. It’s too focused on recruitment, and it’s difficult to get “ordinary people” to like that idea.
Now on the Vizionary side, I can justify their existence and even the MLM pyramid scheme to recruit new users as a clever way to build a momentum and volume so it claims the exchange listings.
However I have not been able to find answers to a number of questions that could convince me that this is a legit crypto currency and not just a Ponzi scheme to swindle crypo currency “investors”…
I raised a number of questions via the Capricoin official site ( and so far it has been well over 76 hours without a reply.
Below are some of my questions raised that could prove Capricoin is a legit crypto currency and not just a Ponzi scheme:
1. It is a fact Vizionary has the exclusive rights on the mining of the Capricoins, but no one could say if this is indefinite or for a period of time?
2. Disclosure of any shared ownership/interests in both legal entities Capricoin & Visionary?
3. Is the code for Capricoin publicly available (it should be like Bitcoin)?
5. Will Capricoin make the mining available to independent miners?
4. Even if it is not what is the hashing algorithm used for mining Capricoins? (this will allow independent miners to calculate mining profitability)
For those that are not into the technicality side of crypto currencies I wish to note that the of the answers to the above questions can reveal much more than the actual words and can lead to more in depth conclusions like similar to “Why the central banks in the Western Economies especially print money at their own whim…”
Good luck to all those who made uninformed decision, but without getting solid answers to the above questions I would advise everyone to cash in whatever the can recover as much as they can and get out before loosing everything!
I will be interested to hear answers to the above, but so far Capricoin have kept quiet…
When I joined i know this was the real deal, i did watch several video clips with information that you can find on youtube when searching for vizionary.
Oz your rewiew… have you even tried getting information? Capri coin is a registred and total legal coin and can be buyed/selled on varius exchanges.
This week they are releasing the app that can be installed and used in the super market for example.
The reason you think this is a pyramid scam is because it has a MLM bonus binair system. let say 297 euro silverpack, that is worth 8 slots of miningslots and 50 euro worth in money to spend on miningunits.
You are buying miningtime. From the miningtime you will get capri coins, worth today 0.106 dollar each.last week i did get 140 coins from 1 miningslot and i used 8 this week, wich gave me 1180 coins something.
that means i already have 120 dollar worth in coins. I can cash them out when ever i want. Next week i will get more coins and so on. soon i got capri coins in value the same as the membership.
The mlm model works like this, vizionary want to expand and send the messege but they dont want to go out live saying hey come and mine at our place.
They are willing to let people start a buisness at vizionary and they get rewarded for bringing people in. and those who join, they are joining for the miningtime.
Lets say i have 10k capri coin and i have only used 350 euro for that miningtime. Then i have a profit of 650euro. I tell my friend guys look at this coin its going to get big come and join before its tolate, they join they mine.
But vizionary gave me 10% for every recrut i made. well great i did get some money. but those i recruted they aint forced to do anythign to earn money, they jsut mine and they will earn money.
so its up to me if i want to recrut 100 people and earn 10% from each package? well ye sure thats awesome bonus!! but those who join are just using the product, miningtime!!
Oz: plz coem back with a comment here, and everyone that want to know exactly how vizionary and capri coin works you can add my skype: (removed)
Where did you read about that? I guess you just went to the website and didnt even search about vizionary at youtube or anything. Hope you get better at reviewing stuff in future.
You watched YouTube videos… and you’re here to criticize me for actually going over Vizionary’s business model?
Oh dear.
No. It’s a pyramid scheme because affiliates are paid to recruit new affiliates.
You are buying nothing. You pay an affiliate fee and then get paid to recruit new affiliates.
Your little digital tokens (which are worthless), have nothing to do with Vizionary as an MLM business opportunity.
Considering Frode Berg has a history of participation in pyramid schemes and given Vizionary’s MLM business model, claiming this is anything but is a bit rich (no pun intended).
I know exactly how Vizionary and CapriCoin work. It’s another fraudulent scheme attached to a worthless cryptopoints script.
And I hope you get better at reading in the future. Maybe it’s not too late to return to school and get a proper education this time around.
I first got suspicious about it as I realized you couldn’t mine Capricoin directly. Never seen a coin before that could supposedly be mined, but yet doesn’t have any mining pools?
As I watched the videos, I thought the same thing about it being a pyramid scheme.
I can see from the comments that you’ve attracted some of the vizionary preachers. My guess it’s either the people that created the hyped youtube videos trying to discredit you, or those that were duped into it and now refusing to see the truth when it’s staring them straight in the face.
Just wanted to give you two thumbs up for this. You’ve obviously struck a nerve with some, and the truth hurts.
For those of you that were duped by this scheme, take it as a lesson on dealing with cryptocurrencies and be more careful what you put your money into.
The more they promise you, the more skeptical you need to be. The more money they want from you, the more research you need to do.
I get the feeling that these people are not rubbing shoulders with all the key players that we’re all familiar with. And if this is the case, it makes no sense to me.
I also found it very interesting when listening to one of the YouTube videos produced by Visionary. When referring to the founder of Bitcoin, they called him something like Satoshi Nakamogi. There is something very wrong with that.
There is no way that someone who is deep into crypto would ever get that wrong.
The best technology is going to come from those key players within the current circles we’re already familiar with. And any brilliant new comers will waste no time getting into those circles.
Who are they using on the coding side? Do the key players we’re familiar with know them? If not, how could this be?
I’m not a coder, but I know damn well that exceptional coders are going to be well known within these circles. And that being the case, if our circles don’t know these people, I have to wonder just how competent they are and what their coding actually consists of.
I dare say, I could be wrong in all that I am saying here, but my spidey senses are on full alert.
However, most people can’t name more than three cryptocoins: Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. Anything other than these three are so insignificant as to be virtually worthless as they are unrecognized by the public.
What we have here is much like the early days of the web… noobs are told “to profit you have to join the ecommerce revolution, man!” And being sold “online storefronts, stake your claim in cyberspace!” for hundreds, perhaps thousands of bucks for worthless virtual hosting and crappy shopping cart script.
Common people don’t understand how EASY it is to setup an altcoin, since all it takes is a press release, claiming you have one.
Gemcoin scam in the US had no coin at all, for instance, despite claiming cryptocoin launch in 2014. The closest they came to show one is a… PDF file.
MLM coin makes no sense since a cryptocoin is a virtual currency, not a merchandise. And if the promoters are selling INVESTMENT PACKAGES (which most MLM coins are) they will be shut down by the SEC as unregistered securities.
Some are trying to paperbag their way out by claiming they’re selling “education” but that’s like saying “Avon is not about selling cosmetics, but beauty”. Reality dictates otherwise.
They have a pos coin wich is what I think much better and safer then pow. They have a distribution arm wich proof of stake have to have because you have premined coin.
And to give them value you have to have a second coin/token wich you some how have to give value, wich you do in vizionary when you are buying miningtime.
Money in to mining the coin and wich gives the coin some sort of value as people are willing to buy it. And with a fixed number of coin mined every week in a decreasing way, more people mining will give less coins per person for same price wich in a case increasing its value.
They also ahve the coin on an exchange and at a great volume of 3-6 btc a day.
What I have understand about there app they are gonna release, they will be able to buy goods and services with Capricoins and merchants will get there payment in cash in some how. Interesting to see, if they really can make that.
A demand/volume value coin instead of every other altcoin wich is valued by speculation this shuld be considered a oppurtunity and shuldnt be in this catagory of and mlmscam. They have a blockchain they are on an external exchange.
About there buiseness oppurtunity the mlm model: A product wich convert your fiat currency into crypto currency. Thats like a super great idea for an mlm model.
With all the details ive seen I can´t see this being a bad coin, the otherway around.
P.S My english is some what really bad.
AND LET ME ASK YOU THIS WHICH IS JUST STUPID ME ASKING YOU THIS ANYWAYS , YOU THROW THE WORD PONZI SCHEME AROUND ALOT,,… SO IF I SELL A CAR (Ozedit: There are plenty of website for you to dicuss non-MLM companies on. This is not one of them.)
Outside of the scheme these points are worthless.
Let me know when you can buy a coffee with it. The imaginary value Vizionary assign their Ponzi points internally is meaningless.
Vizionary sell the units when I invest in them. What happens outside of that is irrelevant, with the units invested in upon paying affiliate fees constituting an unregistered security offering.
I have mined about 13000 capricoins now, which today is worth about 12000 dollars canadian so that to me is a pretty good profit, and its only been going up in value (on THE WORLD COIN INDEX WHICH IS A LEGITAMITE CURRANCY WEBSITE) …
no pyrimid scheme here …so maybe you people who are trash talking this company should maybe do more research before comenting.
Now you have points worth absolutely nothing outside of the Ponzi scheme itself. But uh yeah, good luck with that.
What information you are using to say this is ponzi is not facts, you have just watched a mlm model wich pays people to recruit wich every mlm buisness does.
The only thing you comment with is, oh its a ponzi because members get paid for recruiting, you have no informartion about the retail or anything. Go and get real information wich I have and come with some facts instead of speculations on a buisness you have no clue about.
You are saying that capricoins are useless outside of Vizionary. You might have to take look at what capricoin is before you state such a false facts.
For those who regular read Oz articles dont get misslead here.
The fact is you give them money, and you expect that money to grow by primarily THEIR efforts (and their control). That’s an investment.
How many businesses accept Bitcoin?
How many businesses accept VISA / Mastercard?
How many businesses accept local currency?
Where are your facts again?
a. pay affiliates to recruit new affiliates, making it a pyramid scheme
b. provide units upon investment in the scheme, which are invested in on the expectation of a ROI (securities)
What can you do with CapriCoins other than hope they go up in value so you can sell them to newly recruited Vizionary affiliates?
someone made the first purchase with capricoin the other day …it was for a cappuccino in Africa …so technically we have beat bitcoin in terms of our first purchase it only took us 7 months from when we launched to perform our first purchase …bitcoin took longer.
so…you keep saying how its an imaginary coin and you can’t do anything with them… .you’ll see bud that you were very wrong and your going to look very stupid!!!
Give it some time before you start trashing something you have only limited information about
We’ve seen all of this manufactured “we’re a real coin!” garbage before. Let me know when I can walk into StarBucks anywhere in the world and plonk down some CapriCoins.
I’m a 28 year old courier that’s what I do for a living, I commented earlier as “visionary101” I havnt brought anyone in on this … you don’t have to if you don’t want to… but if you do you get bonusus…which are basically more capricoins.
How significant is this? The first recorded transaction with a #Bitcoin was for a couple of pizzas. Those pizzas today if purchased with Bitcoin would be a couple million dollars. This may be the most expensive cup of coffee ever purchased.
The first transaction with #Capricoin happened faster than with Bitcoin. Bitcoin took 1.5 years from it’s point of inception, to have it’s first transaction. Capricoin only took 8 months!
Learn more about Capricoin and how you can get involved using the following link:
(Ozedit: Do not post marketing spam links here)
#Cryptocurrency #DigitalCurrency #Milestone
Cut the crap, someone paying for a coffee they will collect months later is not legitimate consumer activity, or merchant acceptance of the coin. This is just marketing BS.
so keep sitting here and doing nothing and I’ll keep mining capricoin and lets see who’s further in life after about a year …deal?
“Purchased coffee in a noname cafe somewhere in Africa”, in the greater scheme of things, is at best a publicity stunt.
As for coming back in a year… we’ve had so many scheme promoters promised to come back and show us we’re wrong we’re kinda immune to the speech now. They never do, of course.
Generally such people would NEVER admit they’re wrong, even if they realize it. They avoid us as “negativity”. Many have even issued edicts that their followers to never read us (which never works).
Frankly, your attempt to “educate” us with marketing speak shows failure to identify the audience on your part.
In marketing, the trick is to aim at people who are receptive to your message, not to debate the doubters. If you plan to, do so with more than marketing speak.
The coffee story is just marketing BS. Legitimate consumer activity does not see someone buy a coffee today and collect it months down the track.
and you guys keep saying its a scam and a ponzi scheme then why is capricoin on the world coin index as a legitimate cryptocurrancy and is trading for 98 cents a piece right now huh? Riddle me that OZ!!
Remember, that’s what you were trying to demonstrate with your cock and bull story in the first place.
Because Vizionary affiliates continue to recruit new investors. It’s not rocket science.
The fact remains, outside of the Vizionary income opportunity Capricoins are worthless. What the coin trades for among Vizionary affiliates is meaningless.
Once recruitment dies down, what use is a cryptocurrency only Vizionary affiliates are trading among themselves?
So basically your in a digital world making digital money in hopes that your digital money will be accepted as real?
I reside in the small city of George where the capricoin transaction took place. And to be honest, quite a lot of people I know in George have bought into the Vizionary MLM idea, myself not included.
Was hoping u could help answer a few questions that has been bothering me for a while.
Firstly. When an individual convinces another individual to invest in CPC, is there any future legal recourse that can result if the whole MLM falls apart?
People this side of the world are signing individuals up, using the money they can’t really afford, and promising them a massive return in a few months. And with the local economy declining rapidly and the currency devaluing at the rate it is, the network here is fast growing.
So secondly. Where is all the signing on money going to? And what is it being used for? Are we literally giving money to the 3 people whose bios are on the website?
And finally, since this is not your first MLM rodeo, how do u predict it will end? Will the website just go offline or will the coin just crash to zero value or something else?
I really wouldn’t mind suddenly having a lot of wealthy friends, but would rather give them some advice and help them get out at the right time before the proverbial shit hits the fan.
Thanks, this is the only site I can find that actually makes sense, which also worries me.
Pay off people who joined ahead of you, probably.
Generally, company principals disappear with all the money, unless the law enforcement get to them first.
In TelexFree we’ve seen civil action taken by both the SEC and individual parties (seeking class-status certification).
Long story short is in the US yes, EU and the rest of the world not so much.
Paid out as recruitment commissions and the rest kept by the company.
Hard to predict. If I had to take a punt though I’d say this one will die organically.
Coin value will collapse once recruitment dies down and new recruits stop buying in, as the coin itself is worthless (can’t do anything with it).
Nope. Just the ones that pay affiliates to recruit new affiliates.
and collapse of 50% in a span of 2 weeks.
It’s a hype train. Anyone familiar with investing that actually has made any money knows that you zig when everyone else zags, meaning but when others are selling.
If you own any of this imaginary wealth it’s best to sell it and take your profit.
BTW, all the Vizionary cheerleaders commenting on this post only lock in the SEO ranking factor of this post by adding more comments.
What does that have to do with people investing into worthless Ponzi points?
That existing investors trade the points for BitCoins is neither here nor there. It’s a ROI paid out of subsequently invested funds regardless.
The fact remains, nobody but Vizionary affiliates are trading Capricoins.
So all of you Capcoins adherents, you can take your 1 million Capcoins that are going to be worth 0 bitcoin in a few days, and erm, keep them forever?
Maybe print a nice shiny certificate showing the value of your worthless currency and hang it on your wall.
I’m glad the bottom has fallen out of this scam because trying to convince my grandmother this is a scam, and using her pension money on this is bad, has been a mission…
Capricoin also have instant payment. What does that mean?
e.g. Bitcoin have not and one have to wait up to 10 minutes until the payment goes throug.
I also wonder if this site are related to Vizionary?
I’ve tried to find out about the domain owner but can’t find anything, if they have paid to get capricoin on top etc. Maybe you have better skills?
And Yes, I just started in capricoin, January 29.
Legitimate merchants aren’t interested in exchanging their goods of actual value for worthless Ponzi points.
Cool, so I’ll take that as a “no” then. You, like anyone else, wouldn’t accept bogus Ponzi points as payment.
Thanks for playing, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
not convinced in capricoins.
On this site cpc – has a star * which is indicated as *Not Mineable
Is it true that when you buy bitcoins – you get them immidiately, can own and pass and change?
and when you buy capricoin – you can not get them immidiately, can’t own, pass and change?
More Information and new comments find here following link